ASAP Digital Solutions - Blogs


AdWords Good to Know Practices

Major churn of your advertising cost could be saved, if you choose an effective set of keywords. 

Focus on quality rather than quantity. With that said, get rid of irrelevant or low search volume keywords. Irrelevancy would cost you hundred of dollars and low search volume #keywords unnecessarily build volume of keywords on the #Adwords system.

Make positive use of negative keywords. Add irrelevant search terms as negatives, as it can help you get more targeted traffic and will save you hundred of dollars. 
#Adrank and #CTR can be increased by twofold if you make a proper use of ad formats and by writing strategic creatives. Writing strong call to actions in the ad description generate interest among prospects to click on your ads.  Split ads and add keywords into ad groups based on common themes. This change shall increase the CTR & ultimately leads to a high #Qualityscore. For information, Click here